87 New Friends

I finally found a new blogshop to fangirl over with my mum: Dressabelle! It's so rare finding one that both of us like in terms of pricing, design and quality, though I have to say my mum has much better taste than me, even when it comes to what looks good on me (not her) (no surprises). So when I found Dressabelle, the two of us spent some time trawling through collections; I'm so glad she liked it enough to approve the two buys below :) 

Denim Shorts in Dark (S)
I never wear denim shorts and I never buy denim shorts: two rules that were overturned by this lovely pair! I will never look as good in them as the model does, of course, but since it's rare enough to find one in my measurements, I'm happy.

Paired with TVD Lace Basic tee and the belt that came with the shorts!
Lace Overlay Skater Dress in Mint (S)
I've tried and failed to get quite a few items in mint on other blogshops recently. My favourite colour remains spearmint (which is more green than this colour) but mint is still a pretty rejuvenating perk-up for my closet, which of late has stagnated into navy blues and whites (particularly whites). Not to mention, perfect fit at bust/waist/length, skater dress cut and lace are all deal-breakers! :)

Both items reviewed here.

On the personal life front, college and scholarship applications have me worried at least once a day, but I am trying to keep my eyes on prelims at the same time, since ultimately if I lose sight of the exams for the applications it'll be like putting the cart before the horse. It's quite a stressful period but I am praying for the strength to do the right thing at the right time, and to pace myself so I don't burn out. Only you know yourself best, remember that.

If anyone's looking for cool new music, listen to the Like Crazy soundtrack! The film itself is refreshingly honest: a bare-faced counterpart to (500) Days of Summer, and possibly even more heartbreaking.

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