114 Blue Belle

Read my review of Dawnie and Leighton here.
These two Very-Mum-Approved beauties arrived this week. I just had to Photoshop Belle in, because besides the fact that I've been singing "Little Town" and its reprise all over the house lately, this outfit made me feel very much like a Disney princess (hence the hands). Needless to say, my week is made.

(At Mum's bidding, I even carted out the same skirt in Tangerine immediately after we tried it on. That's how Approved it is.)

On the studying front, it's almost a week to The Battle-- and I'm almost looking forward to it, that's how sick I am of studying. I just want to get this over and done with. Let's just hope I do myself justice.

113 Unexpectedly Poignant...

-Quote, thanks to the unexpectedly poignant read I chanced across on my newsfeed today. I have no lack of gaps in my life, but thankfully and hopefully, I have remained and will continue to remain free of the gaps mentioned in the post.

112 The Good Fight

Maroon 5's Sunday Morning just came on Jango, and I'm having a pretty blessed Sunday.
So I turned legal almost three weeks ago...
...and graduated a week ago.
"The rising sun too bright in her losing eyes" - TFIOS
Mum pointed out that the sunlight in the golden curtains looked like a cross. Indeed.

An important reminder from today's second reading, drawn on the blackboard I got for my birthday.
 (I quite like the arrangement of the quote, don't you?)
As I type, rain patters outside the window... I'm quite happily closeted within for today.
Sorry for the odd brightness of the last photo-- I wanted to show the orange curtains. My usual curtains are blue, but they've been sent to the drycleaner's; so for this week I'm stuck with the dining room's curtains, haha!

111 The New Power Colour

I've been in love with the colour wine red (in the linked post, I talk about getting a wine red asymmetrical skirt for New Year's almost a full year ago) for ages-- while the asymmetrical trend has certainly died out, the colour seems here to stay, particularly since the fashion capitals of the world are currently experiencing fall. Speaking of old loves, welcome Tom Felton and Jade Gordon to my blog! I believe this is my first time featuring them, but my love of Dramione has long kept them in my books (if, at first, as a grudging shipper). As for new loves... well, that We Are Rubbish top launching on Monday has certainly made the list, if only because it's a copy of the Burberry heart-stealer.

If you want some more graphic inspiration, watch Gwen Stefani's music video for Cool. Besides the beautiful lyrics, the video is chock-full of Italian retro loveliness: it reminds me of Dolce and Gabbana's ads, which always make me feel so invigorated and heady! One of these days I will definitely screenshot every single outfit from the video and post a long post about how much I love each one. Yes.

110 Middling Around

Disclaimer: the Lace & Ebony piece above is actually a dress!
It seems midi skirts are very rapidly gaining ground-- particularly those of the weighted, full variety. A particular variation you'll be seeing is Topshop's (below), with a mesh panel round the knees-- Missypixie launched a blue and white floral version, which I'm eyeing, and Love, Bonito has one upcoming (seen on blogger Drea Chong).

If you're wondering how to pair these, Harper's Bazaar has launched a guide (here's another one), as has Who What Wear. I particularly like the idea of the crop top... as well as a tucked-in white button-up (which is how A for Arcade styled theirs), which will give my Grad Day blouse a second outing.
PS. Succumbed and bought A for Arcade's Leighton Midi in Cobalt when they released deadbuyer slots. Hurray to not having to wait till December to recreate their lookbook outfit! Will review when it arrives. Not to worry, the skirt (and the Pony Pockets cut-in top I bought after cruising for, like, a month, literally) is very Mum Approved.

109 Afresh

Pardon the choppy cutting of Chiara's hair- I didn't have much time last night :/
Remember this post from many months ago, when I was seriously crushing on the "pephem skirt"? Well, it looks like I've got magnificent foresight-- this silhouette is now all over blogshops (Fashmob, Love, Bonito, and Megagamie, to name a few) as the "mermaid hem skirt". Which, strictly speaking, is untrue, as I believe the term 'mermaid hem' is more commonly applied to gowns (see: any Zac Posen runway, or any Zac Posen dress worn by Coco Rocha!), but that's all semantics. (I myself learnt the term "pephem" from K is for Kani, who kickstarted my obsession.)

When browsing through Who What Wear's latest feature on off-the-shoulder tops, I realized they paired pretty well with these pephem (or 'fit and flare') skirts. I particularly like Tuula Vintage's take (above right): it's more like the skirt version of the lantern sleeve, as the body-fitting top is extended to form a pencil skirt with a flamenco twist. It's got me tempted to get back into this trend...

108 October Obsessions

1. Love, Bonito Adel Dress in Blue; 2. InStyle October issue; 3. A for Arcade Tammy Lace Top in Indigo; 4. Strayedheart Jamie Playsuit (photo credit to Oasis)
So my fiscal month for September 21- October 21 ends today, and I was punching in the keys for my expenses, adding it all up, when I realized with a sinking feeling (as I was wont to do quite often this month) that I had drastically overspent on my 'Others' section (my budget is split into 'Food', 'School', and 'Others'-- the latter covers clothes, accessories, books, presents, etc.). At first I attributed it to the whopping 7 birthdays I celebrated during this period --excluding my own, natch-- (birthdays are lovely) (but not when you're calculating how much money you spent on presents) (if it's only the thought that counts...), but when I tallied it up again, I realized I'd overspent on clothes as well.

Every month, I attempt to come up with reasons for my overspending (and, no doubt, reasons for my wandering italics and parentheses) so as to come up with a solution, some months more reluctantly than others. This month: (1) I need to ask Mum for her opinion more often before purchasing items, as more often than not the items I've purchased without consulting her first have turned out disastrous (I count 4 from recent memory alone)*; (2) I do not need to go shopping when tired, as it's a recipe for disaster, particularly when Mum says, "Pay up, dear, we need to go"; (3) I should really break down my 'Others' into more specific categories, so as to narrow down the focus and plan for each one. I used to split up 'Clothes' and 'Books', for instance, but stopped when I *attempted* to join the two together in order to spend less (ahem, ahem). Perhaps I should reinstate the division next month starting from tomorrow, as I plan to get Jo Baker's Longbourn and InStyle's November issue (with T-swizzle on the cover, no less!).

The above collage is just some of the items that I splurged on this month. The LB Adel Dress has a really exquisite print and beautiful material, but my problem is its fit; I had to get the PTP altered and even so, the waist isn't very flattering, even with a belt. Nevertheless, I'm in love with the print (which reminds me of paint and the sea simultaneously! and maybe mermaids) and hope that as long as I don't look in a mirror when I'm out wearing it (or, crossed fingers, that people don't look askance at me as if to think, "Who is that poor girl in that unflattering dress?!"), I'll be fine. The A for Arcade crop top was a quick buy at KissJane Vivo, but one that I still love: thank goodness for fitting rooms! It's got me slowly edging into the crop top trend.*

More unfortunate were the Strayedheart playsuit (which I'm letting go on A&M if you're keen), which despite its lovely prints is really too big for me waist up (though of course my love of rompers might still push me to wear it out if nobody buys it) and these Rubi wedges that I totally bought on impulse, wanting to look like Kate Middleton when shopping. I consequently wore them shopping on my second trip to Vivo and had to massage my toes afterwards (I kid, but they did hurt pretty badly). On the up side, the pain may wear off after a few trips, as it did with my previous Rubi pairs!

Pretty long post just to say I've overspent and Ooooops and I'll try to be better next month. I've already refrained from shopping for almost two weeks!

*This lesson has backfired. I wanted to buy Thread Theory's lace crop top, but my mum took one look at it and said, "IT LOOKS LIKE IT HAS BEEN THROUGH A SHREDDER," and refused to change her mind no matter how often I rhapsodied about it. So. So much for edging into the crop top trend, and asking my mum for her opinions.

107 Florals (Again)

My Jamie Playsuit finally arrived! Read my review here.
In the meantime, I came up with 1000 more ideas for articles to write but haven't had the time to fully sit down and pound at the keyboard. Hopefully I'll be able to do so soon.
Also, I celebrated my birthday last week! More pictures in another post. I'm off to the tailor's now to collect two dresses I sent for alteration.
I'm increasingly waking up to thundery skies.

106 High Up, Far Out

my head is stuck in the clouds

my head is stuck in the clouds by adaydreamer featuring plaid flannel shirts

Once I was mad about fruit prints. Now- cloud prints! I am very tempted to get TCL's On Cloud Nine jacket (now on BO), but I have to keep telling myself it doesn't gel with my usual ladylike dress-and-heels combos (combis?). Then again, Izzy's cloud-print beach outfit from Views of Now got me wishing this print could take flight more quickly-- preferably in a lightweight tank top version, like hers, so I can wear it in this insufferable heat. Inspired by Hailee Steinfeld's recent outfit, I decided to temper the Mary Katrantzou skirt above with a plaid shirt tied around the waist. Plaid's always been a print to admire from a distance from me, but it does add a nice edge of insouciance, doesn't it?

[/Edit] Ciara has also been spotted tying a plaid shirt round her hips! Click here for details.

105 Fall's Riches

fall into me.

fall into me. by adaydreamer featuring a mesh purse
at loose ends

at loose ends by adaydreamer featuring wood heel shoes
Sharp Edges

Sharp Edges by adaydreamer featuring black heel boots

I bought this Uniqlo blouse today! It's a really rich grape colour in real life. I was actually on the hunt for a white shirt for Graduation Day (in two weeks- can you believe it?!) and I did end up buying one too, but I spotted this one on the racks and couldn't pass it up. It's made of a very soft, cooling rayon with 3/4 sleeves and the smallest, almost Peterpan-like collar. Never mind that they only had one piece left, in a size too big-- I'm going to tuck it in or tie it at the waist :D Excited! I always treat local blogshops which speak of "transitioning into fall" (or worse, winter) with contempt, but perhaps this is my way of buying into the 'trend' of fall colours. When in Rome...

Had a fulfilling Saturday. Finally got my butt off to do some Math in the morning (albeit one and a half questions because I got up at noon), then went for tea with family friends and finally, an hour of cycling at East Coast Park with Mum and Dad! Then dinner at the coffee shop. All wholesome, good things-- plus, we ran into my cousins at East Coast just as we were leaving! Great minds think alike :)

104 Fingers crossed.

I've got my fingers crossed.

I've got my fingers crossed. by adaydreamer featuring a triangle shirt

Presenting... my post-prelims wishlist! Statement necklaces and cool crop tops indeed. This is a pretty big divergence from my usual style but I'll temper it by sticking to my usuals to back this palette up: no unnecessary skin bared (so I'll pick high-waist bottoms that hit right where the tops end) and nude accessories. The high-neck sleeveless crop top is intriguing, because it's so 90s and yet totally cool with a flippy skirt (I thought Missypixie had one but it seems they took it off their site), but the Breton top is pretty breathtaking too!

Gotta go-- my new TV addiction, Cranford, is calling...

PS. How cute is this orange slice necklace?!

103 Eudaimonia

So, the floral lovelies I mentioned in this post both arrived this week: unfortunately, the long-awaited Jamie Playsuit had a rather noticeable stain so I mailed it back for an exchange. Hopefully it won't take too long. The Rykiel dress, however, arrived without a hitch, unless you count getting used to wearing something so body-hugging, and getting used to taking small steps: I feel like I'm in a traditional cheongsam when I wear it! Reviewed here. (If you want to know why no back/ side views were uploaded, unlike my usual reviews: pear-shaped butt. End of story. But the front's nice enough!)

I had almost a full week off last week after my prelims ended, but that overlapped with what I think were 4 late nights in a row trying to work on my IS. In my defence, I have lapsed into a terrible schedule where I can't concentrate during the day, then the lack of sunlight forces me into a state of desperation strong enough to chiong till around 1am. I hope to reverse this terrible body clock soon back to my usual "11pm's pretty late!" mindset because if not I will be a total zombie for A levels at the rate it's going.

Nevertheless, I had a pretty fruitful weekend. 

Spent Saturday at Vivocity with my mum, ostensibly shopping for gifts for my visiting cousins (they're- so- big- now!) but getting caught up at KissJane. Unfortunately, we had a family dinner that night and couldn't stay long, but I'm *dying* to go back to KJ. It isn't a big store by any means, but there are so many racks stuffed with clothes, some of which are OOS online! I managed to try on some clothes that I'd intended to buy online, which I was really happy about because I discovered most didn't fit me well at all, so I've saved tons of money and worrying. In the end I decided to buy A for Arcade's Tammy Lace Top in Indigo, which is sold out online. It's my way of buying into the crop top trend: by tempering it with my classic favourites, navy blue and lace.

Spent Sunday at the National Museum of Singapore with Mum again. By lucky coincidence, it was the last weekend of the Bras Basah.Bugis Arts Flea Market, and they were giving away free tickets to the Liechtenstein exhibition (for however many people you were with-!!) for every purchase of an item from a flea market vendor. We got another present and I found this gorgeous Audrey Hepburn post card that's now propped up by my necklaces (see below for my cleared up room!). There was really a motley crew of artsy-fartsy original stuff there: one woman was selling her sister's handmade jewelry, and they were awesome. Pity I didn't take a photo, but the selection really looked like something you'd see at a jewelry store: gold and silver orchids, pearls, clear gems, all designed in such a beautiful way. There was a pearl necklace that I really loved: a choker-style circlet full of pearls, that broke off for an asymmetrical line of orchids that dangled down just so. The lady kept saying it was too old for me though (hmph) and my mum didn't love it as much as I did. Then there was the guy who made origami crane earrings out of Japanese printed paper... (Did I mention how much I love Japanese print?? An inherited trait.)

The exhibition was pretty cool --found some interesting descriptions that helped me understand how to do formal analysis of a painting for my IS!-- but unfortunately marred by the insane number of people there that day, perhaps because it was a weekend. There must've been at least 3 tour groups in the exhibition hall at the same time, making it quite tiring after a while to wend our way through the crowds.

I also cleared my room- I think last Friday night. It was majorly dusty and it took hours, but I'm so pleased with the result, I love going to my room to just sit and look around now. Plus, I'm actually gearing up the determination to keep it neat! Hurhur. I found uses for many random cardboard boxes I had around too, such as the one below, which was low enough to display half of the spines of my InStyle collection (circa 2008-- don't their colourful spines look beautiful together?!).

I also arranged my necklaces properly. My only regret is I didn't take before and after photos because the difference is astounding. Once some relatives visited my house, saw my room and remarked (supposedly out of my hearing) about how messy my room was, with all the necklaces haphazardly pinned onto the corkboard, and I felt really insulted, but now they've nothing to complain about! :D

PS. One of my seniors wrote a lovely blog post about clearing and decorating her room. It looks beautiful-- maybe I'll do that soon (doing a decoration post/ actually decorating my room)! I particularly love the quote cut-outs on the walls.
I bought the Audrey postcard after taking this photo.
A very lengthy post that I've tried to pepper with photos-- more coming up-- I'm just so pleased by a personally productive weekend :D The IS late nights tired me out, however, so I took a long nap and woke up to the beautiful sunset shown below. Have a lovely weekend ahead! :)