106 High Up, Far Out

my head is stuck in the clouds

my head is stuck in the clouds by adaydreamer featuring plaid flannel shirts

Once I was mad about fruit prints. Now- cloud prints! I am very tempted to get TCL's On Cloud Nine jacket (now on BO), but I have to keep telling myself it doesn't gel with my usual ladylike dress-and-heels combos (combis?). Then again, Izzy's cloud-print beach outfit from Views of Now got me wishing this print could take flight more quickly-- preferably in a lightweight tank top version, like hers, so I can wear it in this insufferable heat. Inspired by Hailee Steinfeld's recent outfit, I decided to temper the Mary Katrantzou skirt above with a plaid shirt tied around the waist. Plaid's always been a print to admire from a distance from me, but it does add a nice edge of insouciance, doesn't it?

[/Edit] Ciara has also been spotted tying a plaid shirt round her hips! Click here for details.


  1. I loved this outfit of Izzy's too! Her hair looks so good up against the beach sunset :D
    OH MY GOSH! Another Gilbert fan! Isn't he just gorgeous?! I love him with all my heart and always will hehe. Thanks for commenting on my post too, Grace, means a lot to me <3

    1. I know right! Plus, since I'm stuck at home studying for exams, anything by the beach + shopping looks really good right now. What did you think of the TV adaptation of the book series (with Jonathan Crombie)? I thought Gilbert was quite swoon-worthy in it too!! Thank you for commenting on mine, too, it's such an honour because I really love your blog. I would love to have an email correspondence with you! :)

  2. ah, that skirt is so darling! i love cloud prints as well!

    lindsey louise

